Thank You!

Thank you for taking this step with us! It means the world to the injured fighting to be acknowledged, heard and in urgent need of help. The fight for acknowledgement and the need to prevent this from ever happening again is something we all need to fight for. For us now & the children & grandchildren’s futures and also in memory and defense of those who are grieving the loss of their love ones, their children, parents and spouses to these senseless shots.

Florida has been an amazing state for medical freedom. I’ve added a small sampling of pictures of the activism and fighting that has happened here the last 4 years. The bonding, relationships and awareness lifting has been amazing, but think it’s safe to say we have all been underwhelmed by the legislative actions after Governors DeSantis’s bold action to stop the mandates. Because of legislation wasn’t bold enough and short comings since, it has been discouraging.

Consider William Wiberforce‘s life and many failed attempts to end the slave trade in England. The movie Amazing Grace chronicles his life and efforts. He was discouraged and almost broken, but he found encouragement and didn’t give up and successfully ended and the slave trade in England.

Take Heart! We can get there together, by God’s Grace, but we need a renewed commitment and a unified front against special interest, fear and corruption!

It is my belief that there are many lawmakers that will support us, especially now as the tide is turning, awareness growing and the demand for justice, help and future protections are getting louder. We think politicians, even the best of them, need political cover and public outcry to effectively demand change and simultaneously provide political cover and capital for well meaning politicians feel confidence in taking action. It’s up to us to bring the noise, be seen and counted in favor of the change and help we all seek and need.

We are asking and encouraging everyone to contact their local State Representatives, federal as well. Calls are good, emails often get buried, hand written letters are great and personal visits to our elected representatives offices and scheduling time to talk with them is huge in building support and building relationships. If enough of us engage, we will be the difference.

We will be planning a press conference once we reach 75k public signatures and 300 Doctors and Medical Professionals in the State of Florida. It’s ambitious by very doable with everyone’s help. Join Us In doing More.

Thank You!

