Help Us Push For Life-Saving Help Now!

The Vaccine Injured Have Been In The Shadows Long Enough, Sign Our Petition to Demand Change Now And Get Them The Help Needed!


Worldwide, our injured were Coerced and Manipulated into thinking they were doing the right thing by taking untested, unproven COVID shots. In the U.S., every State in the Country helped promote and push the shots, even if they changed course later after the damage was done. States are ignoring the problems and suffering they helped create. Enough is enough; It’s time to take solid actions to get those who are injured the help they need and deserve. No one deserves uncertainty while fighting to survive. Help us send a message to our elected officials: “It’s high time for action.” It’s time to make this right! Don’t allow our injured to continue to weather this storm alone. Learn about Cody’s Law and how you can help below.


It’s time to make this right! Don’t allow our injured to continue to weather this storm alone.

Those who have suffered vaccine-related injuries or Declared Emergency Countermeasure-related injuries are unable to work and have lost their jobs, medical insurance, and the dignity they once knew in providing for themselves and their families. Family and friends often refuse to believe their injuries as media and publications do not make these injuries public knowledge.

Many struggle to find physicians willing to help them and acknowledge the true cause of their disabilities. The medical community has been harsh to physicians who speak out or attempt to publish evidence of COVID-19 vaccine injury and those who were injured by hospital protocols or Declared Emergency Countermeasures.  As such, many doctors are wary of being found out that they are acknowledging and helping the injured.

Without understanding these injuries, safer drugs are not possible. Most medications and vaccines throughout the history of medicine have been known to bring about adverse events; the COVID-19 vaccines and Declared Emergency countermeasure drugs are no different. Those that need help are diagnosed by physicians as injured by these countermeasures. Many struggle to afford the care they need, and many go without as they are unable to work after their injury.   

It’s cruel to allow this to continue to go on; the victims go without the help they need, but that is available for others with disabilities, as explained in the proposed law and background here. If we allow this cruelty and indifference to normalize, it will impact every last one of us negatively, and we will all suffer the consequences of allowing this to continue and the injured to remain in the shadows. It is Time to Fight and give our vaccine-injured family, our spouses, children, parents, friends, and neighbors hope! 

For related stories, please visit:


[For the injured, attempting to navigate life-devastating injuries that rob them of the ability to work, care for their family, experience loss of insurance and or denial of insurance, and enduring doctors that refuse to acknowledge and help are like this ship, tossed at sea in a violent storm. Out of fuel and with no working instruments, the ability to chart a course becomes impossible. There must be a lighthouse, vision, and working instruments if there is to be a fighting chance.]
Cody and Mom Heather Discuss his vaccine injury and the need for Cody’s Law

Entire Drafted Proposed Legislation Here


 Countless individuals were injured during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic by taking pandemic countermeasures such as COVID-19 vaccines or Emergency Use Authorized drugs such as Remdesivir. This Bill Proposal addresses the unmet medical needs of individuals injured by these countermeasures who have fallen between the cracks of Federal and State programs. COVID-19 vaccines and the SARS-CoV2 pandemic medical countermeasures produced several new and emerging medical diagnoses/countermeasure-related injuries. Some of the injured were left disabled, terminally ill, or severely injured, and some continue to suffer life-long and life-threatening illnesses.


Who Needs Help?

Individuals who were injured when taking the emergency countermeasure drugs and vaccines are termed “Declared Emergency Public Health Emergency Countermeasure Intervention Therapy ” (DEPHECIT-Injured) [pronounced deficit-Injured]. Many are unable to obtain medical care as they can no longer work. Many of these Floridians are forced to choose between medication or rent. Some are now homeless, bankrupt, or living off of the kindness of family or private donations.

The concept of charity, love, volunteering and helping hand. Symbol of helping others put the pieces together.

Why Cody’s Law?

The DEPHECIT-Injured who do not have access to Federal or state disability and medical programs are left without urgently needed medical care as they either no longer have medical insurance and/or cannot afford the unexpected or new burdens of expensive medical treatments but are not yet determined disabled by federal or state programs—even if their physician determines them disabled.  As such, disabled Floridians with urgent medical needs fall between the cracks in their own state. For disabled and Medically Needy Florida citizens under the age of 65 without minor children, there are no programs to expedite state medical and disability programs for those with DEPHECIT-injury and who are in urgent need of medical coverage and the life-saving or life-changing medical care it affords them.

Cody’s Story

Cody was age 21 when hospitalized after his mRNA COVID-19 vaccines with a large pulmonary embolism, leaky heart valve, and weakness to the point he could no longer walk without assistance. He coughed up blood and developed sores across his body. All COVID-19 infection tests were negative in three hospitals. Cody developed the most severe form of antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) (life-threatening autoimmune blood clotting disorder) linked to his COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. In 2022, he went on treatments and improved for a while, and his medical case was peer-reviewed and published. Cody was a Florida college student with a 4.0 GPA who then had to leave his college when he was re-hospitalized with blood clotting in all four limbs; he then suffered five associated brain events, including two strokes. He is now disabled, unable to work due to his severe illness, and fighting for his life. Cody has gone without treatments and specialists, as even with medical insurance, our family cannot afford all of his care. Even though his physicians have determined him disabled, he has been waiting nearly a year for disability approval. His body may not survive the wait.

Most Importantly

Cody is one of countless similar COVID-19 vaccine-injured (DEPHECIT-injured) cases that need urgent or timely medical care but are awaiting long disability determinations to receive medical coverage and life-saving or life-preserving medical care.

We Must Work Together!

What We Need

Floridians ask that expedited Florida State Medicaid and Medically Needy services be afforded to the severely ill, diagnosed disabled, and/or terminally ill vaccine-injured or DEPHECIT-injured Floridians by enacting the attached proposed Florida “No Vaccine Injured Patient Left Behind Act,” or “Cody’s Law.” 

Let there be beauty from ashes Isaiah 61:3

Make It Count!

After you sign the petition it will take you to a page to locate your local leaders. Please call, email, visit, and when possible, handwritten letters are the best and most effective way to express how important this issue is to you. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.

Friends In Other States

We believe Florida is the best possible State to land the beachhead of support for delivering real help to our injured. We believe a State-by-state model is the best, most effective, and most achievable way to approach this campaign. Yet our dream, hope, and prayer is to see this effort modeled throughout the Country. We are here to help in any way, and we can expand this website to create petitions for your individual states if needed using this very template.

To Our Doctors & Medical Professionals

We would love for you, your family, friends, and colleagues to sign the petition, but we have another ask from our amazing Florida Medical Professionals who are fighting for patients’ rights and care. We would like you to electronically sign on to the document. Your influence and impact as a medical professional have a strong impact on our legislators & people in general.

After you sign the document, we ask that you write and add your own statement or “Amicus Brief” (typically, a legal document supplied to a court of law containing advice or information relating to a case from a person or organization that is not directly involved in the case, but in this instance, we are not presenting it to the courts, but the court of public opinion and our legislators.)

Many physicians and medical professionals know that the injured are in need and that their injuries are real, and many agree that more has to be done, but In talking to the medical community, we know that there are varied experiences in the trenches, challenges, and heartache. By writing a brief in support from your own perspective, we believe it will have a significant impact in getting the attention of those who need to be educated and enlisted in this fight.

Many of you know how to directly contact us, but to learn more and become directly involved in making the most impact, please email us @ [email protected]


Finally, Let’s Chart a Course Together

Modern Life has been a challenge for some time, but especially these last 4 years as we faced COVID-19 and everything it meant and encompassed, especially as much of the details of the pandemic that were hidden in darkness are seeing the light of day now. Many are waking up to hard to face realities.

For those of us injured, have lost loved ones, and or fighting in the trenches the last 4 years, it has been especially hard. –Cries Unheard — Warnings Unheeded–

We have all been let down by false hopes, people who meant well, and people who sometimes didn’t mean well. We are all disappointed by our leaders’ failures to take the necessary actions these times and circumstances require; even when we have been encouraged by good things that were done, these actions have not been enough, not in light of everything we now know.

People are going broke, worn out and disillusioned, growing cynical and suspicious of each other. Many are still extremely fearful, I know, people straight up admit it.

Corruption and special interest are worse than we could have imagined, but the silver lining in all this is all the good, sincere, honest people who care for one another, Truth, Justice, and the wellbeing of all around them standing up and together, willing to do whatever it takes to rectify wrongs, safeguard the future and turn the chapter to go forward. 

Nobody knows what tomorrow brings, but by God’s Grace, if we can come together truly in defense of each other and truth, I’m sure mighty victories we haven’t seen yet, long overdue, are very possible. Join us here and let’s build together, by God’s Grace!

Thank You,

Heather Hudson ( Cody’s Mom)

Nick Caturano (Advocate & Friend)

Video of Cody when things were rough but before his condition became terminal.
